Sunday, February 1, 2009

Real Talk: Kill Bill Vol. 3 Out This Week

So, last week I kind of got a whiff of something foul in the "stimulus" bill. And with each passing day, the odor has gotten more and more pungent. It is to the point where I'll be talking about it and have a Freudian slip that causes me to refer to it as the "spending" bill.

The tipping point for me was the House Vote tallies: 244-188 passing. Does anyone else hear alarms going off? This is not the way to forge ahead when we are faced with an economic problem of this caliber. Compare this with the stimulus bill from a year ago: 385-35 passing. Can we really afford for the country to fragment at this point? The answer is overwhelmingly NO in my opinion. Obama united us further than we were a year ago, but this bill shows that his reliance on the Democrats' ideals and amendments is tearing us apart.

This bill is too big! It reeks of revenge, irresponsibility, and unaccountability. There is no one pill that we can swallow to get us out of this. We are going to have to treat this over time and monitor our recovery with a couple of bills and stimulus injections. It is borderline shameful that the Democrats have tried to pack in as much social spending as they can get away with in here, because it just shows how quick they are to get back to "business as usual".

If they want to make headway in widening the social safety net then they are going to have to prove that it works. Just like the Republicans are going to have to prove that tax cuts will work. We can ill afford to enact huge, complex plans assuming that they will work because they do in their respective theories. And right now that's all these legislators are offering us. It's either their big quick fix or suffer. President Obama, please Veto the bill on principle, acknowledge that you remember the last 8 years and aren't seeking to recreate them on the flip side of the coin.

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